General Assembly

General Assemblies, held at least once a year, are open to all SUS members for debating and voting on changes to your student society.

Students can submit items for the agenda by the deadline outlined in the SUS listserv with the signatures of either 4 councilors or 100 members of the society, with no more than 25% of any one department. Quorum is 100 members.

Anya Narang
Speaker of Council

Hi there! My name is Anya and I am thrilled to be the SUS 2022-2023 Speaker of the Council. I’m a third year Arts student double majoring in Economics and International Development, so yes, that makes me an Arts student chairing for Science Undergrad Society Council. Feel free to reach out to me regarding any questions or concerns regarding any General Councils or Assemblies. I look forward to an amazing year!

GA Date 2022-2023

February 22, 2023

Past Minutes