
The SUS Equity Committee is mandated to foster a culture of equity within the Science Undergraduate Society (SUS). Whether through promoting engagement with the principles associated with equity among SUS members or serving as a resource for internal groups and individual members of the SUS on how they can promote the principles of equity within their associations and activities.

Additionally, the SUS Equity Committee serves as the mediating body for all Equity Complaints within the scope of the SUS.

2023-2024 Equity Commissioners

Eliot Bergeron (he/him)

Hi everyone! I’m Eliot and I’m super excited to be one of the Equity Commissioners this year! I grew up in Fredericton, New Brunswick. In my free time, I love to play piano and guitar (if you hear someone scream singing a song late at night, it’s probably me!) and go on random adventures. As Equity Commissioners, we will be taking care of equity complaints made through the Involvement Restriction Policy (that you can find on the website!) as well as a variety of projects that make the Science community more equitable and inclusive! If you have any concerns or questions about anything, please do not hesitate to email us :)

Ava Paton (she/her)

My name is Ava, I am a U3 Pharmacology major from British Columbia. As one of the SUS Equity Commissioners this year, I hope to support all my science folks to be more equipped with the tools and knowledge that ensures equity and respect in all departments. In my free time (when I don’t have a migraine lol), I love to knit, crochet and nap!

Nillie (she/her)

Hi everyone! I'm Nillie, a U3 Pharmacology major and Psychology minor from Vancouver, BC. I'm thrilled to step in as one of your equity commissioners this year! Beyond academics, I'm passionate about cooking and painting in my spare time. In my role, my commitment is to foster a culture of equity and respect within our SUS community and even beyond. I aim to ensure everyone is equipped with the tools and knowledge necessary to thrive. I'm here to support and empower you all. Looking forward to a fantastic year ahead!

SUS Equity Complaints Form

What is it for? 

For equity-related complaints against volunteers, employees, and/or independent contractors of the SUS

Who can fill it out?

Anyone who attends an event run by the SUS

Is the form anonymous?

Yes, the form can be anonymous or non-anonymous. The form an investigation can also be done via a proxy.

Procedure once a complaint is filed:

1. Complaint is submitted to an equity commissioner via the online form 

2.  Equity commissioner receives a complaint in drafts up an acceptance

3. Equity commissioner reviews options and resolutions with the claimant 

4.  If the complaint is accepted and an investigation is agreed upon, the respondent will be notified and be on a probationary period of 4 weeks

5.  The investigation will take place during the probationary period, and if necessary, go beyond that point

6. The investigation committee has reached a conclusion, they will present this to the executive committee with full confidentiality with their recommendation of restriction (details of duration, type of events...)


The purpose of the SUS Accountability Committee is to ensure responsibility and transparency within the Society’s respective departments and areas of operation. The Accountability team is always available to address concerns related to executive or process-related accountability by email or appointment. Their mandate is to respond to such concerns as a neutral third-party, with confidentiality and sensitivity, and work with the SUS Equity team as needed

2023-2024 Accountability Director

Joseph Seo (he/him)

Hi, my name is Joseph Seo. I am a U3 Anat & Cell Biology student from BC. I love music and I’m very mean at card games. As the Accountability Director for the Fall 2023 - Winter 2024 school year, I hope to make a Council that’s transparent and responsible for their executive duties. Please feel free to contact me with any questions and concerns related to Accountability within your department/council and/or related to the SUS Council directly.

SUS Accountability Concerns Form

The SUS Accountability Concerns Pipeline Form is to inform the Accountability Committee of any major concerns regarding an individual, group of individuals or organizational practice/process that need to be addressed. This form allows this process to be accessible and quick for anyone (and anonymously if wanted). Submission of the form allows the Accountability Team to follow up on the concern and take action accordingly. 

Alternatively, individuals are always encouraged to talk to the Accountability Director directly to gain more insight into a situation if they are unsure how to proceed and assess the situation. This is especially encouraged for minor concerns. SUS Accountability can be reached at accountability@susmcgill.ca.

Some examples of WHEN to Submit a Form: Concerns about potential neglect of executive duties, concerns about timeliness or responsiveness, concerns about neglect of stipulations within the SUS Constitution, concerns related to the SUS Executive Committee