Vous pouvez maintenant vous inscrire à Barbie Frosh 2023 !!!

***Veuillez utiliser votre adresse de courriel de McGill en vous inscrivant


Joignez-vous à nous du 24 au 27 août !

When students register for Frosh, they're signing up for four days of engaging events with the goal of introducing students to the McGill and Montreal community. We aim to create a safe and inclusive environment where Froshies have the opportunity to foster connections, and making lasting memories in a safe and inclusive environment. The Science coordinators, leaders, and community can’t wait to see you for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!


L’aide financière pour Frosh

est pour les étudiant·e·s démontrant un besoin d’aide financière pour pouvoir participer à la Frosh de la faculté des sciences (24 au 27 août).

Avez-vous des questions ?

Communiquez avec nous ! Nous serons content·e·s de vous aider.

À propos de Frosh.

BARBIE FROSH est la semaine d’orientation pour la nouvelle cohorte d’étudiant·e·s de la faculté des sciences de McGill. Vos coordonateur·rice·s sont très content·e·s d’annoncer que Frosh sera entièrement en personne !

Lors de Frosh, les étudiant·e·s inscrit·e·s participeront à 4 jours remplis d’activités qui les initieront à la communauté de McGill et de Montréal. Le but de la semaine est d’aider les étudiant·e·s à rencontrer d’autres personnes dans de programmes similaires tout en découvrant beaucoup sur l’Université McGill.

Tout type de froshie aura la chance de rencontrer des membres de la communauté mcgilloise, s’adapter à la vie à Montréal et faire des rencontres inoubliables. Avec l’aide de 130 leaders de Frosh (étudiant·e·s d’années supérieures qui ont eu une formation intensive avant Frosh), Barbie Frosh sera parfaite pour les étudiant·e·s voulant en découvrir davantage sur McGill. Lors des derniers mois, l’équipe de coordonateur·rice·s a travaillé très fort à rendre Frosh inclusive, accessible et inoubliable pour tou·te·s. Nous avons très hâte de vous rencontrer à la fin août pour la meilleure semaine de vos vies !


Reconnaissance territoriale

La Science Undergraduate Society reconnait que l’Université McGill est située sur le territoire traditionnel des peuples autochtones Kanien'kehà:ka (Ga-niyen-gue-ha-ga). Nous reconnaissons la nation Kanien'kehá: ka comme gardienne des terres et des eaux sur lesquelles nous nous réunissons aujourd'hui. L’île de Montréal est connue sous le nom de Tio’tia:ke (Gio-Ja-Gué) dans la langue des Kanien’kehá:ka et a historiquement été un lieu de rencontre pour d’autres nations autochtones.

Ce n’est pas assez de seulement reconnaitre les gardiens des terres et que McGill est une institution provenant de la colonisation de terres non-cédées. Le silence et l’inaction contribue à la néocolonisation et à la perte de l’histoire et de la culture des peuples autochtones. Il est important pour tout individu de s’éduquer sur les enjeux autochtones et d’appliquer leurs connaissances pour soutenir les communautés autochtones. La SUS devrait résister toute forme de néo-colonisation.


Questions et réponses.


Qu’est-ce que c’est, Frosh ?

Lors de Frosh, les étudiant·e·s inscrit·e·s participeront à 4 jours remplis d’activités sociales qui les initieront à la communauté de McGill et de Montréal. Le but de la semaine est d’aider les étudiant·e·s à rencontrer d’autres personnes dans de programmes similaires tout en découvrant beaucoup sur l’Université McGill.

Quand est Frosh ?

Cette année, Frosh sera du jeudi 24 août au dimanche 27 août. Les cours débuteront de mercredi 30 août, donc Frosh est l’occasion parfaite de rencontrer de nouvelles personnes, de découvrir son nouvel environnement et de s’amuser avant de devoir étudier !

Quel type d’activités y a-t-il à Frosh ?

Frosh a une variété d’évènements interactifs et d’activités de socialisation. Les étudiant·e·s seront placé·e·s en groupe avec des leaders un peu plus agé·e·s. Cette année, il y aura une chasse au trésor, une soirée cinéma, une découverte de Montréal, du yoga, et beaucoup plus ! Chaque groupe d’étudiant·e·s sera assez petit pour faciliter les nouvelles rencontres et les évènements donneront aussi la chance de rencontrer des étudiant·e·s d’autres facultés.

Comment puis-je m’inscrire ?

L’inscription est ouverte ! Nous vous encourageons à vous inscrire le plus tôt possible, car les billets partent vite ! Votre place n’est pas garantie jusqu’à ce que vous ayez payé, donc assurez-vous de vérifier vos courriels McGill.

Combien coûte Frosh ?

Frosh coûte 183,96$ taxe incluse. Un billet donne un accès à toutes les activités de la semaine. Frosh coûte beaucoup plus que 184$ par personne, mais nous avons pu réduire le prix grâce à nos partenaires incroyables. Voici quelques exemples de ce qui est compris avec le bracelet de Frosh :

  • Accès à tous les évènements

  • Marchandise unique telle qu’un chandail, une tasse, des stickers et des lunettes !

  • L’occasion de découvrir McGill et la communauté montréalaise !

  • Du soutien de l’équipe de communications

  • Mentorat des 130 étudiant·e·s d’années supérieures

  • Les quatre meilleurs jours de votre vie (sans blague !)

  • Beaucoup plus !

Si vous avez un besoin d’aide financière et vous voulez participer à Frosh, vous pouvez soumettre une demande d’aide financière.

Pourquoi devrais-je participer ?

La semaine de Frosh est le début parfait de l’entrée à McGill et c’est aussi le meilleur moyen de rencontrer d’autres étudiant·e·s en science. Que ça devienne un·e camarade d’études ou un·e ami·e pour la vie, le réseau que vous vous créerez à Frosh améliorera nettement votre expérience à l’university. Ne manquez pas cette occasion de vous créer des souvenirs et rencontrer de nouvelles personnes !

Qu’est que c’est au juste, la SUS ?

La Science Undergraduate Society, ou SUS, représente le corps étudiant de la faculté des sciences (plus de 5 000 étudiant·e·s) ! Comme les conseils étudiants, la SUS est responsable de l’organisation de nombreux évènements et services pour étudiant·e·s, tout pour offrir la meilleure expérience universaire à tou·te·s les étudiant·e·s !

Parmi les évènements, on peut retrouver Frosh, les jeux de sciences, la « Social Sustainability Week » et la semaine « Academia ». La SUS a souvent était reconnue comme pour la manière dont elle encourage l’excellence académique tout en promouvant une communauté socialement active et remplie d’activités plaisantes.

La SUS est dirigée par un groupe d’étudiant·e·s élu·e·s qui aident à l’organisation de tous les évènements et services mentionnés !

SI vous voulez en apprendre d’avantage sur la faculté des science ou la communauté McGill, veuillez consulter le site web de SUS : sus.mcgill.ca.

Qui sont les coordonnateur·rice·s ?

Un groupe de 14 coordonnateur·rice·s a passé une partie de l’été à organiser la semaine de Frosh, ayant des responsabilités différentes telles que trouver des partenariats, réserver des lieux pour les évènements et engager les leaders et les O-Staff. Pendant la semaine, chaque membre de l’équipe portera une camisole rose. Si vous avez besoin d’aide pendant Frosh, veuillez communiquer avec un·e coordonnateur·rice et iel fera de son mieux pour vous aider. N’hésitez pas à nous poser des questions ou à venir nous saluer !

Le comité de Frosh est employé et supervisé par la vice-présidence interne de la Science Undergraduate Society (SUS), un groupe d’étudiant·e·s élu·e·s pour organiser des évènements et des services lors de l’année académique.

Si vous voulez vous impliquer auprès de la faculté des sciences, ou même peut-être au sein de Frosh l’année prochaine, vous pouvez trouvez plus d’occasions sur le site web de SUS : sus.mcgill.ca.

Qui sont les leaders de Frosh ?

Les leaders sont des étudiant·e·s bénévoles de McGill ayant précédemment participer à Frosh qui veulent aider la nouvelle cohorte. Chaque leader a été choisi·e par l’équipe de coordination et a reçu une formation sur la réduction des risques, le consentement et beaucoup plus !

Qui sont les O-Staff ?

Les O-Staff sont indispensables pour le fonctionnement de nos activités et nous permettent de vous donner un accueil encore plus chaleureux à McGill. Les O-Staff seront présent·e·s à chaque évènement pour les faciliter.


Frosh Events and Participation (EN)

I cannot afford the Participation fee. Is there a way I can still take part in Frosh?

If you demonstrate financial need and wish to participate in Science Faculty Frosh, please apply for the Science Frosh Bursary.

Are any Frosh events mandatory?

The only mandatory part of Frosh is to set up and register your Frosh account. Frosh itself operates on an opt-in system, so you can choose which events you want to go to! Just ensure that you communicate with your Frosh leaders for safety. However, we do highly encourage attending as many events as possible!

I can’t make all of Frosh, can I only pay for certain events?

No, unfortunately, it is not logistically possible for us to let students pay per event.

Can I arrive late to events?

Our organized bonding activities will require you to be there on time and present for the entire event. Your Frosh leaders and the schedule will keep you informed on which events these are.

How do I sign up for Frosh? Is it necessary to register?

YES! Registration is required to participate in Frosh Links to registration are located in the menu tab or on our homepage. Keep an eye on this site or our social media channels to stay informed about upcoming Frosh news.

I provided incorrect information on my Frosh signup form online, how do I go about correcting it?

Send an email to the Orientation Week staff at frosh@susmcgill.ca Note: if any information on your form turns out to be false (ie. your age), you will not be allowed to participate in Frosh.

How will I get my Frosh package?

Once you’ve registered and paid, a Welcome Booklet containing important information about Frosh will be sent to you by email. You can pick up your merchandise and bracelet at the registration tent that will take place a few days before Frosh.

What should I have with me while attending Frosh events?

For every in-person event, you should have your keys, wallet, government ID, a charged phone, and a clear way home. You also must wear your Froshtival shirt and bracelet to access events.

The Welcome Booklet will provide more details on what to bring, and your leaders will also provide reminders throughout Frosh!

Who can (and cannot) participate in Frosh?

Frosh events and programming are for students entering their first year of university at McGill in the Fall, students who entered McGill in the Winter term of the previous academic year, and transfer students new to McGill. Returning students, family members, and (non-McGill-attending) friends of new students are not permitted to attend Frosh.

I’m not a first-year, can I still do Frosh?

New transfers are considered first years at McGill and are encouraged to participate in Orientation Week activities. If you are a transfer student from Winter 2023 you are also eligible to participate in Frosh. Unfortunately, all other students not entering their first year at McGill cannot register for Frosh – even if you’ve never participated before.

I’m not in Science, can I still be a part of Science Frosh?

No, you must participate in your own faculty Frosh unless you have applied for and been approved for a faculty transfer. If a faculty transfer has been approved, you may submit a faculty change through your Minerva account. If your faculty or school does not plan its own Frosh, then consult the list below for your suggested group:

  • Arts & Science: Arts & Science students have their own Arts & Science Frosh

  • Nursing Faculty: Students are suggested to join Science Frosh

  • Faculty of Religious Studies: Students are suggested to join Arts Frosh

  • Pre-Med Faculty: Students are suggested to join Science Frosh

I’m from Montreal, should I still do Frosh?

We highly encourage all incoming Science students to participate in Science Frosh! It is a great way to make friends in the Science faculty and get acquainted with upper year mentors (Frosh Leaders) and the McGill campus. Even if students have lived in Montreal their entire life, we guarantee Frosh will show them something they have yet to see and will give them a chance to meet tons of people new to Montreal!


Accessibility and Inclusivity (EN)

What is Consent?

Consent is an informed and uninhibited agreement from all participating and affected parties regarding an action or activity. Consent is continuous, meaning it can be revoked at any time for any reason. It can be recognised by the presence of an enthusiastic “yes”, and not by the absence of a “no”. This applies to all circumstances and situations during Frosh, including sexual acts, photo sharing, and alcohol consumption. Consent from all involved and affected members is required for all actions people choose to take.

Consent can never be assumed and cannot be given if a person is incapacitated by alcohol and/or drugs or unconscious.

All Frosh participants are required to watch a video about consent made by Frosh Coordinators. This ensures that the meaning of consent is unambiguous and unanimous among all Frosh participants. Many (notably, but not exclusively, sexual) acts committed without consent in the context of Frosh are eligible for consequences imposed by respective Frosh Committees and the Office of the Dean of Students.

How does Consent translate to an online setting?

Consent is exactly the same online as offline. We expect all Frosh participants to be aware of how their actions affect others in an online setting, and to ensure that all affected individuals are informed and have agreed to their actions.

Specifically, if a person were to share a photo or video of other people, it is important that everyone in the photo or video have agreed to have it be shared and where.

Someone who is unreachable online (asleep due to time zones, not logged in, unable to access a strong internet connection at the time) is unable to provide consent. This person is also unable to ask for or receive consent.

It is important to remember that consent is never implied, especially in an online context where socialising can often leave more to implication than in an in-person setting.

What is Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault?

Sexual violence is an umbrella term thaty encapsulates two behaviours; sexual harassment and sexual asssault.

Sexual harassment is any form of unwanted sexual advances, requests for sexual acts, and verbal sexual aggressions. This includes harassment online or in-person. Examples of sexual harassment include, but are not limited to, unwelcome sexual teasing, jokes, remarks, questions, or suggestive signals.

Sexual assault is any act of a sexual nature that the done without unambiguous and enthusiastic consent. Sexual harassment becomes sexual assault when physical contact is made.

Both sexual assault and harassment can be committed by any gender.

If you or someone you know is affected by sexual assault or harassment during Frosh, please do not hesitate to contact the Inclusivity Coordinator. They will explain the various courses of action available, offer on and off campus resources and support, and will provide confidential, non-judgmental, and pro-survivor support.

Regardless of the nature of the sexual act or type of harassment, if the incident made you uncomfortable we encourage you to reach out to the Inclusivity Coordinator immediately. Unless there is imminent danger, your disclosure will remain completely confidential.

Please note: you do not have to contact the Inclusivity Coordinator directly, leaders and other coordinators are all prepared and trained to receive and help with such information.

I have mental health challenges, how could Frosh affect that?

Frosh is an exciting week full of new experiences and meeting tons of other incoming students. But just as much as it is exciting, it can also be mentally taxing and stress-inducing. Students are encouraged to speak up when they are struggling with their mental health challenges. McGill has a number of resources available to students during Orientation Week that serves this purpose:

  • Peer Support Centre: A confidential and non-judgmental peer support service located on the 4th floor of the SSMU building on McTavish. Volunteers will be available by phone during Frosh. For more information please consult their website: https://psc.ssmu.ca

  • Nightline: A confidential, anonymous, and non-judgmental peer support service via phone conversation. For Frosh hours of service, please consult their website: https://ssmu.mcgill.ca/nightline

  • Access Allies: Frosh Leaders with additional and more specific training that makes them well-equipped to refer Frosh participants to the correct services for a variety of mental or physical challenges. They will be identifiably distinct from other leaders during Frosh and you may contact any access ally from any group.

  • Vent Over Tea: A free active listening service that pairs people up with volunteers to have a conversation in a local Montreal coffee shop. Confidential and non-judgmental, Vent Over Tea volunteers are typically graduates pursuing careers in social work, psychology, or medicine.

I have visual/auditory difficulties, will I still be able to participate in Frosh?

Yes. Please indicate on your online registration form that you have visual/auditory difficulties or email the Inclusivity and Equity Coordinator at frosh@susmcgill.ca. We are including considerations for such difficulties in our event designs, and benefit greatly from any information about what we can best do to help.

During Frosh, where can I receive extra support for my accessibility challenges?

Student’s Frosh Leaders are there to help them every step of the way during Frosh. Always feel free to reach out to your Leaders if you require extra assistance at any point during the week. Additionally, there will be one Access Ally leader per group, who are individuals that received additional accessibility and mental health training.

The Science Inclusivity Coordinator will be present during Frosh to ensure all accessibility concerns are addressed and student’s receive adequate support. This Coordinator’s phone number will be accessible once you sign up for Frosh. You may also fill out our accessibility form to express your concerns.

I have another issue that the Frosh Coordinators should know about, how can I tell them?

If you have any other concerns (medical, mental health, etc.) that you would like to be noted please email us at frosh@susmcgill.ca or message McGill Science Orientation Week on Facebook. We check these regularly and will be sure to get back to you right away.

Please remember that we will be better equipped to help you if you tell us of any potential issues before Frosh begins. You are also welcome to reach out to any Frosh Coordinator during the event in order to share any issues that may arise. Please do not worry about approaching us; we are here to ensure your safety and fun at Frosh!

What measures will be in place to ensure online bullying is not tolerated?

We take any violation of consent or form of harassment (eg. bullying) during Frosh incredibly seriously and are prepared to remove offending participants from Frosh.

Students may express their concerns directly to a coordinator or leader before, during, or after Frosh. Information on how to make an anonymous complaint will also be given once you receive your Frosh account.


Health, Safety and Harm Reduction (EN)

What is the drinking age and what if I am not of age?

The legal drinking age in Quebec is 18. Frosh is about the events and activities, not about drinking alcohol. Underage students find that their Frosh experience is hardly changed by their age and they still have an amazing time! More information on which events you will be able to opt-in to alcohol consumption will be provided by your leaders and the schedule.

Is there alcohol present at Frosh?

Yes, Science Frosh does acknowledge that many incoming students will be of legal drinking age and organizes a safe and inclusive space for people to opt-in to drinking alcohol. While Frosh is mainly made up of social events, please keep in mind that it does not entail the consumption of alcohol or other substances and we follow an opt-in system.

What if I don’t drink or can’t drink?

Some Science Frosh events will allow participants to drink alcohol, however drinking is always optional. Frosh is designed so that every participant will be able to enjoy themselves, regardless of whether or not they are drinking.

If I’m underage during Frosh (or for part of it) is it still worth it?

Yes! The Science Frosh Coordinators strive to make every effort to ensure everyone is included. Frosh is about the events and activities and there are no events centered around alcohol. Underage students find that their Frosh experience is hardly changed by their age and they still have an amazing time.

If I choose to drink, how can I consume alcohol in a safe way?

Students who make the decision to consume alcohol during Frosh week should be aware that alcohol affects different people in different ways. Here are a few tips to make sure Frosh stays a safe and fun environment for all:

  • Count your drinks: It takes one hour to metabolize a drink (12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of hard liquor). Just because the alcohol doesn’t hit you right away, doesn’t mean it isn’t there!

  • Inform a friend: Make sure you consume alcohol with people you feel safe and comfortable around. It’s best to stick with your Frosh Group! Your Leaders are a great resource if you ever feel you have consumed too much or are not sure if you have consumed too much.

  • Don’t drink on an empty stomach: Eating before drinking decreases the absorption rate of alcohol.

  • Alcohol affects people in different ways: Alcohol tends to have a stronger effect on females than males due to female’s lower levels of alcohol dehydrogenase, an enzyme that aids in the metabolism of alcohol. Additionally, your body’s water content plays a role in how your body metabolizes alcohol, which is why oftentimes when a male and a female are the same weight, the man will have a higher tolerance.

  • Nicotine: Smoking slows the emptying of your stomach, in turn delaying alcohol absorption. Just because you don’t feel the alcohol right away, doesn’t mean you won’t later!

  • Tylenol: Alcohol and tylenol separately can already cause liver failure. Taken together, either during consumption of alcohol or while hungover, can increase risk of liver failure even more.

  • Benadryl: Mixing an antihistamine with alcohol will cause an increase in drowsiness.


Notre équipe.



Les Coordonnateur·rice·s sont des étudiant·e·s d’années supérieures qui ont passé une partie de leurs étés à planifier la semaine de Frosh et s’assurer que l’évènement se déroule bien. Il y a 14 coordonnateur·rice·s en science qui porteront des camisoles roses et mauves. N’hésitez pas à communiquer avec l’équipe de coordination pour tout problème avant et pendant Frosh.


Timmi Milan (iel)


Grace Parish (elle/la)


Eliot Bergeron (il/lui)


Joy Zhang (elle/la)

Maggie Zhang (elle/la)


Rhéa Tabet (elle/la)


Kate Frost (elle/la)


Yasmine Bouberaouat (elle/la)

Bennett Collins (il/lui)


Jamie Cannon (elle/la)


Elaine Xiao (elle/la)


Katie Olsen (elle/la)


Rex Wang (il/lui)


Amelia Booth (elle/la)



Les leaders vous guideront toute la semaine de Frosh. Ce sont des étudiant·e·s de McGill qui ont précédemment participé à Frosh et qui voulaient donner du temps comme bénévole pour aider à vous accueillir ! Les leaders ont passé par notre processus de sélection compétitive et chaque leader est formé·e sur la réduction de risques, le consentement et beaucoup plus !



Les O-Staff sont indispensables pour le fonctionnement de nos activités et nous permettent de vous donner un accueil encore plus chaleureux à McGill. Les O-Staff seront présent·e·s à chaque évènement pour les faciliter.


Allié·e·s d’accès

Les allié·e·s sont des leaders/O-Staff ayant reçu une formation supplémentaire sur la santé mentale et l’accessibilité pour pouvoir répondre aux besoins des Froshies ! Avant la semaine, vous recevrez plus d’informations pour pouvoir identifier les allié·e·s.


Horaire et carte

Horaire à venir !



Bientôt !



Déclaration d’objectif de Frosh

Le comité de coordination de la Frosh de sciences a pour objectif de créer l’espace le plus inclusif, accueillant et accessible lors de la semaine d’orientation. Nous sommes dévoué·e·s à établir un environnement ou tou·te·s se sentent assez confortables de rencontrer de nouvelles personnes et de partager n’importe quel besoin qu’iels auraient pour améliorer leur expérience de Frosh. Si vous avez une rétroaction ou une préoccupation à partager, veuillez communiquez avec nous par courriel à frosh@susmcgill.ca.


Ressources étudiantes (seulement en anglais)

During Frosh


Coordinators are upper year students who spend their summer organizing Frosh and making sure everything runs smoothly. There are 14 Science Orientation Coordinators who will be able to help or redirect you to services as needed.

Access Allies

Access Allies are Frosh leaders with additional inclusivity, accessibility and mental health training that are there for you if you don’t feel comfortable speaking with your own Leaders or need a little extra support! After you register for Frosh you will receive more information on how to identify and contact access allies.

Peer Support Centre (PSC)

This is a student-run, confidential and non-judgemental support center at McGill in the SSMU building on McTavish. Each day of Frosh students may book an appointment to receive support with anxiety, depression, other mental health challenges, or simply to have someone to talk to!

Phone Number: 514 398 3782

Website: https://psc.ssmu.ca/

Office for Sexual Violence Response, Support and Education (OSVRSE)

Run by McGill administration to respond to and help prevent sexual violence.

Main Office: 514 398 3954

Sexual violence response advisor: 514 398 4486

Sexual violence education advisor: 514 398 3786

Website: https://www.mcgill.ca/osvrse/

Email: osvrse@mcgill.ca

Sexual Assault Centre of the McGill Students’ Society (SACOMSS)

Run by McGill students to help provide counseling services for survivors of sexual misconduct.

Phone Number: 514 398 8500

Website: http://www.sacomss.org/wp/


During your time at McGill

Red Frogs

Student volunteers, they focus on preventative measures to help ensure that you’re having a fun, safe time. Look for them handing out water, granola bars and freezies, wearing their own Red Frog shirts.

McGill Student Emergency Response Team (M-SERT)

M-SERT is a volunteer student service whose members provide emergency first aid services. If you ever need help, don't be afraid to ask as they’ll be present at many McGill events wearing red shirts.

Phone Number: 514 398 3000

Website: http://msert.sus.mcgill.ca/

Email: msert.firstaid@gmail.com


A volunteer student service, they offer free rides home to students in need anywhere on the island of Montreal. They are available during the Fall and Winter semesters from 11 pm to 3 am on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights.

Phone Number: 514 398 8040

Website: https://drivesafe.ssmu.ca/


A volunteer student service that provides free accompaniment for those walking at night anywhere on the island of Montreal.

Hours: Sunday to Thursday - 9 pm to 12 am; Friday to Saturday - 9 pm to 3 am.

Phone Number: 514 398 2498

Website: https://walksafe.ssmu.ca/

Sexual Assault Center of McGill Student Society (SACOMSS)

SACOMSS provides a variety of services for survivors of sexual assault and their allies. Volunteer and student-run, they offer pro-survivor, non-judgemental support to students in need, regardless of the situation.

Phone Number: 514 398 8500

Email: main@sacomss.org

McGill Security

They patrol campus ensuring the safety of students 24 hours a day. If you have an emergency on campus, do not be afraid to call them.

Phone Number: 514 398 3000

Website: https://www.mcgill.ca/campussafety/security-services

International Student Services

International Student Services (ISS) works hard to promote the growth, development and success of this burgeoning community, and ease their transition to McGill and Montreal. ISS offers a host of services, including Orientation activities, a social and support network, health insurance guidance, and much more!

Website: https://involvement.mcgill.ca/organization/iss

Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD)

OSD provides services for students with disabilities including exam taking accommodations, access to peer-written class notes, and more. 1010 Sherbrooke Ouest, suite 410

Phone Number: 514 398 6009

Website: https://www.mcgill.ca/osd/

Student Wellness Hub

The Student Wellness Hub is a students' place to go for their holistic health and wellness needs. It provides access to basic physical and mental health services, as well as health promotion and peer support programs, in convenient locations at both our Macdonald and downtown campuses. Professional physical and mental health services.

Phone Number: 514 398 6017

Website: https://www.mcgill.ca/wellness-hub/



Consent is an informed and uninhibited agreement from all participating and affected parties regarding an action or activity. Consent is continuous, meaning it can be revoked at any time for any reason. It can be recognised by the presence of an enthusiastic “yes”, and not by the absence of a “no”. This applies to all circumstances and situations during Frosh, including sexual acts, photosharing, and alcohol consumption. Consent from all involved and affected members is required for all actions people choose to take.

Consent can never be assumed and cannot be given if a person is incapacitated by alcohol and/or drugs or unconscious.

All Frosh participants are required to watch a video about consent made by Frosh Coordinators. This ensures that the meaning of consent is unambiguous and unanimous among all Frosh participants. Many (notably, but not exclusively, sexual) acts committed without consent in the context of Frosh are eligible for consequences imposed by respective Frosh Committees and the Office of the Dean of Students.

Consent Online

Consent is exactly the same online as offline. We expect all Frosh participants to be aware of how their actions affect others in an online setting, and to ensure that all affected individuals are informed and have agreed to their actions.

Specifically, if a person were to share a photo or video of other people, it is important that everyone in the photo or video have agreed to have it be shared and where.

Someone who is unreachable online (asleep due to time zones, not logged in, unable to access a strong internet connection at the time) is unable to provide consent. This person is also unable to ask for or receive consent.

It is important to remember that consent is never implied, especially in an online context where socialising can often leave more to implication than in an in-person setting.


Aide financière.

La bourse d’aide financière est pour les étudiant·e·s faisant preuve d’un besoin d’aide financière pour participer à la Frosh de la faculté des sciences. Pour soumettre une demande d’aide financière, veuillez remplir ce formulaire. La date limite pour remplir le formulaire est le 23 août à 23:59.


Communiquez avec nous.
